Hands & Feet Ministry is a compassionate outreach initiative established by the Point•Men of LifePointe Church to extend a helping hand to those in need within our community. Dedicated to embodying the spirit of service and support, this ministry focuses on assisting widows, the elderly, and individuals facing temporary incapacitation due to injury or illness.

At the heart of Hands & Feet Ministry is a team of able-bodied and caring men who generously volunteer their time and expertise to tackle minor repair and maintenance tasks around the homes of those in need. Whether it's fixing a leaky faucet, repairing a broken step, or mowing the lawn, these dedicated men are committed to lending their hands and feet to make a tangible difference in the lives of others.

With a spirit of humility and servant-heartedness, Hands & Feet Ministry exemplifies the transformative power of collective compassion and service. As we reach out to support our neighbors in times of need, we not only fulfill our calling to love and serve one another but also reflect the love and grace of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Join us in being the hands and feet of Christ in our community, making a meaningful impact one task at a time.